What you get

NFSUnlimited.net in cooperation with edgenetwork offers free *unlimited* hosting to Need for Speed related websites. You get all the space and bandwidth you need, yourdoman.nfsunlimited.net or your own domain hosting, FTP access, PHP, perl support, 3 MySQL databases and up to 10 pop3/webmail email addresses and 10 email aliases.
Additionally your site will get a spot under NFSUnlimited.net's Hosted Sites menu.

Who is eligible

We do not accept just anyone. To be even considered for hosting you need to have your website up and running or have at least screenshots of your site (if your current host is down). It has to be a quality site with real content updated often (at least weekly). Clan sites aren't acceptable. Only english sites will be accepted. We have a right to reject an application without specifying a reason.
PHPNuke or other similar cms systems are undesirable.

What we require from you

You will have to put one banner ad on the top 500px of every page, preferably a 728x90 - the other option is a 120x600 skyscraper and a link to NFSUnlimited.net (88x31 button).

How do I apply

Before applying make sure you have read and agree to the Terms of Service.
Then drop us an email to hosting [at] nfsunlimited.net with your name, current website url, current website pageviews (if possible), desired url (own domain or subdomain.nfsunlimited.net) and any other information you think we should have when reviewing your site.
We will contact you as soon as possible.