Design the Tshirt Contest

by Bojan at 09:22 • Comment (1)Link to news article

We are organizing a contest where our members get to design the official tshirt which will then be sold online for a very competitive price!

If you are a good graphics designer, be sure to check out how to enter the competition, by [url=]visting this post[/url]. Also if you have good ideas, be sure to post them in the beforementioned topic. Remember, we are looking for the best possible design our community can provide!

We will announce the winners of the contest after 3 weeks, which means around August 24th and shortly after that the tshirt will be available for sale at one of the popular online tshirt shops.

So be sure to join in the fun of creating our first and official Tshirt!

[url=]Design the Tshirt Contest[/url]

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